Monday, October 29, 2007

Apology to my reader

...for giving a cite in my post below. I promised myself I wouldn't, lest this blog stop being stupid and lazy.

Plunder the Moon? Hell yes!!!

h/t Instapundit… An enviro-wacko worries about humans ‘plundering the Moon’.

The Moon is dead, dead, dead. Any resources we acquire there, such as clean energy (the article mentions He3 as a possibility), will only benefit humankind. Of course we should plunder it, IF and when it becomes economically beneficial. It’s a no-brainer. No animals would be harmed. No ecosystems would be displaced. What could be better?

But to E-Ws, the idea of humans economically benefiting from anything beyond primitive hunter-gathering and subsistence farming is reprehensible… deplorable… an occasion for the 3 W’s, Worry, Whining and hand-Wringing. Concepts such as human use, human benefit and human enjoyment feel bad to them.

Suppose you had a neighbor or “friend” who paid lip service to loving you, but in reality, was upset by any action you could take that might benefit you. Especially if it was going to benefit you financially or let you enjoy good things in life. Would you not logically conclude that, in fact, the person hates you - and is a repulsive nut? That's why I call 'em enviro-wackos, and how I know they hate humankind.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hillary Clinton... a corrupt shrew. She only returned Hsu's $850,000 because she got caught. Hsu is probably just the tip of the iceberg, with her. And when she speaks, the anger that practically oozes from her reminds me of old videos of Adolf Hitler.

What's so stupid and lazy about this blog?

I don't document anything or give cites. I barely put any thought into it. I don't even try to be funny. The only way to put in less effort, would be to not do it.

I'm OK if I never get a single reader or commentor. I am doing it as pure 'therapy'. Oh, and to get used to blogging software a little.